Game Sixteen: Ankheg Hill

In the 16th game in Dragonreach, a band of heroes accepted a mission to clear a ruined school of wizardry in the Greenreach...

Investigation revealed that the residents of many of the farmsteads around the old wizard school had vanished.  And, strangely, coins and bits of loot was just scattered about the hills, as if dropped from the sky.  

The heroes reached the hill...

Only to find that the fields about it were infested with a veritable horde of ankhegs!  

The remains of a half dozen other adventurers were found - all of whom seemed to be outfitted for dragon hunting.  

The heroes ventured into the dungeon complex at the base of the hill, suffering casualties as kobolds descended on them, driving cockatrices before them and opening hidden pits!

Fighting past the kobolds, our heroes stumbled into a young red dragon's lair, and battle ensued.  Despite suffering several casualties, the beast was slain and the hoard was claimed.

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