Game Thirty-Two: For Those About To Roc...

In the 32nd game in Dragonreach, a band of heroes were hired by the Arcane Conclave to ascend Brokengulf Peak (in the Scaly Peaks) and steal intact Roc eggs.  It seemed that a roc was nesting in an old ruined tower atop the peak... 

The party learned that a rival band (led by the despised Max Mannheim), working for a different faction (the strange Masked Sorcerers of Leng) was ahead of them.  Thus, instead of taking the easier mountain pass, they opted to climb the sheer western face of the mountain...

They thus overtook Mannheim's band, but were attacked by wyverns while crossing Brokengulf Chasm...

Reaching the Roc's nest, the party tried to steal the eggs, but were quickly noticed by the Roc, and a battle ensued...

Ultimately, Mannheim's band arrived too, leading to a three-way fight between our heroes, the Roc, and Mannheim's band.  Fortunately, the eggs were retrieved and the party was able to make its escape without any casualties.

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