Game One: The Horror Below the Streets

In Game One, a group of first-level nobodies took a job for the Ambassador of Draconia, who had recently purchased several blocks of the ruined city of Pyre.  But, some sort of monster was hunting the streets at night...

The party stumbled across (and fought) a group of devil-worshiping warriors known as the Knights of the Order of Nessus, who were also investigating...

There were, shall we say, strange doings in the sewers, and a group of very unusual cultists of something they called "the Mother Below."

The party convinced the cultists to take them to this "Mother Below," rescuing a strange woman from being sacrificed to some horror.  They only ever saw its massive tentacles, which nearly dragged several party members into the unfathomable depths...

They were betrayed by a strange sorcerer who claimed to have met them in the future...

But, ultimately, the party managed to slaughter most of the cultists, including the so-called Herald of the Mother Below.  The tentacles withdrew back into the depths...for now.

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