Game Eighteen: Eye of the (Crystal) Beholder

Meanwhile, on the North side of Dragonreach (i.e., game run by John), a group of horrid nothics had stormed the sanctum of Master Magus Corrin Svabota and Magus Crispin Goldwrite and stolen a particularly large and rare dragonshard... 

Most disturbingly, the nothics were said to work for a beholder lairing in an old dwarven ruin.  The mages wanted their dragonshard back - and whatever dragonshards the beholder had accumulated from its assorted thievery.

The band set off north...

A mystical mirror provided the key to entering the city, but the party was beset by nothics and snake-men...

When the beholder's lair was found, the party discovered that the beast had fashioned "armor" from the host of dragonshards it had stolen, and had replaced its central eye with a potent shard!

The horror was so powerful that it shattered the floor, forcing the party to battle while clinging to flying chunks of debris floating over a river of lava...

In the end, the heroes prevailed, the beholder was slain, and its dragonshard eye was packed up and dragged back to the City of Pyre.

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