Game Fourteen: Omroth's Tower

In the 14th game in Dragonreach, a band of villains accepted a job from Lady Artella Skorn of the Nightfingers...

The job was to steal a magical bell from Omroth "the Fire of Pyre" - an archmage and personal adviser to the Overlord.  

The band first made its way through a sprawling hedgerow maze filled with basilisks and gargoyles.  Then, they battled a rival band of thieves in a room full of mimics.  

They found a prison filled with all manner of demons and strange beings  - all imprisoned by Omroth for the safety of Pyre.  Then, they found the clockwork door that guarded Omroth's vault...

The vault was breached, but Omroth and his paramour (the elven princess Thyra Starbreeze) returned from their evening out, and a fierce battle ensued.  

Just when it seemed that the archmage and his iron golem guardians would slaughter the entire party, they rang the mystical bell - which broke all bonds of magic, including those holding the denizens of Omroth's dungeon in check, and the tower intact.  

Omroth was slain, and buried beneath the rubble of the falling tower (along with one of the band of thieves).  And, the evil that was released that night may continue to plague Pyre for years to come...

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