Merry Wintermoon! (Games Seventy-Six to Seventy-Eight)

It was a very merry Wintermoon, when (among other things) the folk of Dragonreach honor the most magical time of year, when Sinterclaws and his flying Paindeer travel the world delivering presents to good boys and girls, and carry off the bad back to his home in the Abyss...

In the Seventy-Sixth foray into Dragonreach ("Bloody Winter Moon"), a band of seasoned heroes attended Lord Gelgaran "Goldsword" Dross's Wintermoon celebration - only to find that Sinterclaws was, indeed, coming to town for their souls...

Fortunately, even though several heroes (and the Overlord himself) were dragged to the Abyss, their companions rushed to their aid, and all were able to survive yet another Wintermoon!

In the Seventy-Seventh foray into Dragonreach ("Hunt the White Worm"), another band of heroes sought to cure a strange disease that was causing folks' heads to explode when tempers flared.  The last ingredient needed was the blood of an ancient and massive Remorhaz that roamed the frozen wastes of the North...

And, in the Seventy-Eighth foray into Dragonreach ("Home Alone"), a band of heroes handily defeated a mutated cult of the Prophets of the Horror Below - but were accidentally reduced to seven-year-olds while waiting at their patron's house.  Without their normal skills, powers, or items, they needed to defend their patron's home (with improvised weapons and boobytraps) from waves of cultists until he returned...

More Dragonreach adventures soon - and Merry Wintermoon to all!

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