Game Eighty-Nine: The Nest

In the Eighty-Ninth foray into Dragonreach ("The Nest"), a band of adventurers undertook a commission to track down some mimic blood for Archimedes the Potion-Maker, at the Arcane Conclave.  The wizard offered a hefty bonus if a mimic could be found and delivered alive.
The heroes headed into the district of Fleatown, where rumor said a mimic had been hunting.  They quickly found a sizeable one posing as an outhouse.  
But, it was not alone - a veritable horde of mimics burst forth from the trash-filled streets.  The heroes managed to subdue one of the smaller mimics, and attempted to flee.  But then, they found what was responsible for so many mimics - a massive house-sized "mother" mimic that was birthing them!  

However, battling the massive mimic both inside its gullet and outside in the street, they were able to slay it.  Thus, they earned not only a handsome reward, but also the gratitude of the few surviving residents of Fleatown.

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