Game Eleven: Coffin Recovery (Kids' Game)

In game eleven, a young band of heroes accepted a job from Lord Illusk Margrave, an unhealthy-looking noble of the misty, vampire-ruled land of Morovia...

He explained that a ship bearing vital supplies had been lost in dangerous waters along the Bitter Coast, and that he needed adventurers to protect the salvage operation...

It did not take our heroes long to realize that the lost "cargo" was actually a vampire coffin, belonging to Duchess Lorelei Varcona of Morovia.  And this was confirmed when the heroes were approached by a famous witch-hunter, Sir Harken, asking them to stake the vampire once its coffin was recovered...

A sharp eye was kept on the heroes by Bentley, Lord Margrave's servant, who accompanied them on the voyage...

The wreckage was found, but the heroes soon discovered that a marauding band of Sahuagin had sunk the ship using some magic that summoned a giant octopus!  Giant tentacles attacked their ship, and sea-devil raiders followed!

The Sahuagin shaman was driven off...

... and the coffin was retrieved.   The heroes voted and chose to honor their word and not stake the vampire, thus bringing a dark new power to the City of Pyre.

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