Game Twelve: The Redmaw Hills

In the twelfth game, a band of heroes were invited to the Grand University of Pyre by the dwarf Professor Dunvlop Cragmount.

The professor was engaged with a rival in something akin to an archaeological race to find two ancient temples, the "First Temple of the Light" and the "First Temple of the Dark," built by a long-vanished empire that had attempted to conquer Dragonreach more than a thousand years ago.  He was convinced that both temples were hidden beneath the wastes of the gnoll-haunted Redmaw Hills.

The professor's plan was for the heroes to sail their by ship, capture some of the local gnolls, and interrogate them to find clues to the temples.  To that end, he offered his teaching assistant, Jharden Vos, to accompany them...

The heroes thus set forth to explore the dusty gnoll territory...

A veritable horde of gnolls soon descended on the heroes, chasing them for hours through the badlands.

During the fighting, the heroes found another band hired by the professor's rival, and the one known as Warchild managed to slay Hrusk Felbar, claiming the title of the Sixth Sword...

Eventually, one of the temples was found...

...a perilous ruin haunted by many shadows and a serpent-tailed demon of some sort.  

The heroes slew the creature, and claimed many dangerous and evil magical relics.

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