Game Five: Ride the Greenreach

In the fourth game, a band of adventurers took a job for the Overlord to ride patrol along the region south of Pyre known as the Greenreach...

The party soon reached Fort Woodhelm, a small outpost of the Overlord's soldiers...

The party's rest was interrupted in the night by a band of Orcs of the Ironback Tribe, who appeared to be hunting for something...

The party defeated the orcs, interrogated a prisoner, and found they were hunting a trio of magical keys said to open a long-sealed magical vault.  The party took up the quest, acquiring a key from the renown halfling bandit, Buck Dogbiter...

The second and third keys were acquired during a deadly battle against a medusa, and from a priest of the Red God who trailed them to the ruins...

But, ultimately, the party was able to open the vault and claim a number of magical treasures.

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