Game Six: The Howling Mine

In the Sixth game, a brave band was hired by the Iron Company to discover what happened to a mine in the Howling Hills whose shipments of ore and Dragonshards had recently ceased.  

Arriving at the mining camp, the miners were nearly all slain - rivals from the Xorlarrin Consortium of dark elves and dwarves had seized the mine.  Our heroes battled a band of dark dwarves in the central elevator shaft...

...Only to be betrayed by one of the adventurers they had hired to augment their ranks...

They were set upon by hungry cave fishers...

Eventually, they fought their way down to where a drow wizard, more dwarves, and some ogres were unearthing a person who appeared to be trapped in a massive dragonshard. 

The heroes battled the wizard and her summoned wraiths, reclaiming the mine for the Iron Company.  They never discovered who, or what, was trapped in the massive dragonshard.

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