Game Twenty: The Crimson Cup

In the 20th game in Dragonreach, a band of villains accepted a job from the Embassy of Morovia (clearly, agents of the vampire society known as the Crimson Cup) to recover a dead paladin's holy sword ("Daybreak") ... almost certainly so that they could corrupt or destroy it.  

The first part of the caper required the band to infiltrate the Pathfinder's Guild Hall - a task which quickly turned to murder and mayhem...

Rivals - the paladins Lord Rickard Samson and his son, Ser Garris Samson - tried and failed to beat our villains to the blade.  Thus, a bloody showdown ensued where the paladins were murdered in an old ruin.  In addition to recovering the sword, the party found a strange, animated golden skull - Gorza the Golden - which serves some members of the band to this day.

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