Game Twenty-One: The Caverns of Carnage (part one)

In the 21st game in Dragonreach, a band of heroes decided to venture to the dreaded Caverns of Carnage in the Darkdagger Forest - a hulking hillside said to be riddled with many caves and monster lairs.  Some hill giants lairing there had attacked a caravan and carried off several hapless victims!

The band was repulsed by aggressive bugbears, but then found a tribe of goblins led by "Queen Cleogobla," a "beautiful" goblin who offered to trade the Giants' location in exchange for slaughtering a band of ogres who were picking on the goblins.  

That task accomplished, the heroes attacked the hill giants - who were led by two unusually large sisters!  But, ultimately, the giants were slain and several prisoners were rescued.

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