Game Nine: Goblin Strikebreakers

In the ninth Dragonreach game, the heroes took an interesting job offer from one of the elven nobles of Immyr...

The haughty elvish lord Sumar explained that his people were ill-suited to working in the dragonshard mines, and had turned to hiring goblins to handle such work.  Unfortunately, the goblins were now on "strike" and making all sorts of demands (food, a wage, etc.).  The heroes were hired to "negotiate" a resolution and bring the goblins into line...

The goblins rioted when the "strikebreakers" arrived, assaulting them with dung, rocks, and sharp sticks.  Ultimately, the heroes were able to drive the goblins off and sought negotiation with the goblin king, Big Beeta Fuzzyglub...

Plying the goblin king with some gold, they learned that many goblins were being eaten by some giant monstrosity that laired in the Ratfeast Hills (the city dump), which bordered Goblintown.  The heroes negotiated a deal where the goblins would return to work if the beast was slain.

In the Ratfeast Hills, the heroes found the massive, slug-like horror that had been eating the goblins and defeated it...

Thus, ensuring that the elves of Immyr could continue to oppress their goblin work force.  The moral consequences of this were, of course, largely ignored by our heroes, who collected their pay and returned to the tavern.

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