Game Eight: Tower of the Slime Sorcerer (Kids' Game)

In the eighth Dragonreach game, a band of young heroes ventured forth into the Ratfeast Hills (the massive city dump south of Pyre) to find the source of the strange oozes and other slimy horrors that were terrorizing the local populace...

The dump was lousy with all manner of oozes but there seemed to be no way to track them to their source... the young heroes sought clues in Goblintown, the ragged shantytown of the goblins brought to Dragonreach to work in the mines.

The heroes were able to negotiate some information out of the "king" of Goblintown, Big Beeta Fuzzyglub...

The young heroes then ventured into the ruined tower of the "Slime Sorcerer" Morid...

The battle within the great machine manufacturing new oozes seemed hopeless ... until the machine exploded.  Fortunately, before the battle, the young heroes had sabotaged it.  Everyone fled as the workshop collapsed, ending the threat of the Slime Sorcerer... at least for now.

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