Game Forty-Four: Veego's Quest

 In the Forty-Fourth foray into Dragonreach, Veego, the aspiring leader of the Nightfingers thieves' guild (Joe) offered a bounty of ten thousand gold and several magic items for a band to accompany him and slay the current Nightlord (guildmaster), known as Grey Worm, so Veego could ascend into that role...

Fearing that an assault on Grey Worm's subterranean guild hall would be too dangerous, the party negotiated with Khorvax, an agent of the Six-Fingered Hand (demon-worshipping cabal) to retrieve a lich's phylactery in exchange for some additional help.  This resulted in the entire dungeon being overrun by rampaging, minor demons - distracting many of the defenders...

Veego's party was able to bribe one of the gangs (the clown-themed Midnight Jesters) into switching sides and turning on Grey Worm...

But after battling their way through the dungeon, the party found that Grey Worm was quite well defended.  Indeed, he had hired the Third Sword as one of his bodyguards... 

Desperate, one of the heroes resorted to demonic magic, although it proved insufficient to allow him to defeat the Third Sword in the final, climactic battle...

But, ultimately, Grey Worm was slain and Veego ascended to the role of leadership of the Night Fingers!

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