Dragonreach Catchup: Games Forty-Five Through Forty-Eight (Dinosaur Themeparks, Lost Luggage, Bandits, and a Beholder - Oh My!)

Dragonreach has been bustling over the last few months, so another quick catchup...

In the Forty-Fifth foray into Dragonreach, Morlan of the Circus Spectacular hired a seasoned band to help reclaim the legendary "Grand Menagerie" - a theme park deep in the heart of Dragonreach that is full of monsters (even dinosaurs) which are cursed and cannot die!  

Our heroes negotiated entry with the undying overseer of the park, Big Berto, and then dispatched Jonas Hammon - a bardic lich - and his backup band!

In the Forty-Sixth foray into Dragonreach, a band of young heroes agreed to help a wizard move to a new tower.  The band nearly perished when they parked their wagons too close to a portion of the Darkdagger Forest infested with giant spiders, killed (rather handily) the wizard's disgruntled former apprentice, and drove off a Green Dragon Wyrmling that decided the wizard's luggage would make an excellent "starter hoard."

In the Forty-Seventh foray into Dragonreach, a more seasoned band assaulted a ruined monastery in the Tenstep Forest infested with bandits.  Since the bandits seemed too numerous to face head-on, the party loosed a pack of shadows from the crypts underneath the ruins and allowed them to deal with the bandits...

And, in the Forty-Eighth foray into Dragonreach, a band of skilled adventurers undertook a quest to clear out an old wizard's tower, only to find that death - and a dreaded Beholder - awaited them inside!  

More Dragonreach games coming soon!  Keep an eye on your emails!

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