Dragonreach Catchup: Games Fifty-Five and Fifty-Six - Circus of Death, and the Siege of Bleakfort!

 In the Fifty-Fifth foray into Dragonreach, a band of younger heroes undertook an investigation to find out who was trying to sabotage Morlan's Circus Spectacular.  

They nearly met their end when the mysterious villain released the circus' lions into a crowd...

They were attacked by a deranged manticore while riding the perilous proto-type "Gobo-Coaster," which the circus' goblin work crew later acknowledged was not yet ready for customers...

And, they finally discovered the culprit was the ringmaster Beebok, whereupon they battled him and his ogre henchmen before a packed crowd in the center ring...

In the Fifty-Sixth foray into Dragonreach, a band of heroes defended the remote outpost of Bleakfort from an angry orc horde from the Savage Tusk Tribe...

And while our heroes considered switching sides, they ultimately drove the orcs off and slew their leader, Chief Rehghar "Gray-Tusk." 

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