Dragonreach Catchup: Games Forty-Nine through Fifty-Four

Dragonreach has been rife with even more heroic, perilous, and occasionally fatal adventures over the last two months.  So, another quick "catchup post" is required!  

In the Forty-Ninth foray into Dragonreach, a band of adventurers undertook a mission for the Resurrectors' Guild to put down a zombie "strike" in a mine.  The zombie laborers had gained a level of sentience from prolonged exposure to rare dragonshards, and thus were demanding actual pay for their labor.  The party initially teamed up with a noble paladin who was also seeking to end the zombie "threat," but ultimately sided with the undead labor force and slew the paladin and his cohort.

In the Fiftieth foray into Dragonreach, a band of unscrupulous, younger adventurers agreed to hunt and slay a celestial unicorn, and return its severed horn to the Knights of the Order of Nessus for some dark purpose.  Several members of the band nearly perished while fighting the beast (which was tougher than it looked) and driving off a band of orcs (also attempting to capture it for their own purposes) and some pixies (trying to save the beautiful creature).

In the Fifty-First foray into Dragonreach, a band ventured into the sewers beneath Pyre, only to find (and subdue) a wererat named "Ratcatcher" who offered to show them a secret wizard's hideout in exchange for his release.  The hideout held a malfunctioning planar-travel machine that took the party on a whirlwind tour of several outer planes (whose denizens were quite hostile) before dumping them back into the city.

In the Fifty-Second foray into Dragonreach, a band of young heroes took a mission to hunt a fearsome yeti, and wound up battling a white dragon wyrmling!  Few details are available, since this poor scribe was unable to attend...

In the Fifty-Third foray into Dragonreach, a band agreed to help defend the fishing village of Flotsam from some vaguely describe menace ... only to find that the entire town was in the thrall of (and being turned into mutants by) a dreaded aboleth!

And, finally, in the Fifty-Fourth foray into Dragonreach, a band of young heroes assaulted a wizard's tower infested with slimy dooms and murderous suits of armor that would "bind" to a hero and force them to leap into a pit to their deaths!  The renown anti-hero and necromancer known as "Shanks" meet his unfortunate demise during this adventure.  Raise ye a tankard to the fallen!

More Dragonreach adventures coming soon!

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