Game Seven: The Northern Voyage

In the seventh  game, a band of near-penniless heroes agreed to venture into the frozen reaches of northernmost Dragonreach for a cabal of wizards of the Arcane Conclave.  Apparently, some dragonshard of unusual power threatened to plunge the entire island into an endless winter...

The heroes ventured north by ship until they were forced to continue on food across the ice flows, guided by the Master Pathfinder Ishtar Uldune...

Where they were nearly eaten alive (and pulled down into the icy waters) by these horrid things (worse than any beholder!)...

Eventually, they found a ruined, icy city where a white dragon and a whole tribe of "frost" kobolds were guarding the dragonshard (and dragon's eggs)...

A terrible battle ensued, but the dragon was ultimately defeated, in no small part due to the "Ring of Wraiths" that one of the heroes had acquired in the Howling Mine...  

...thus saving all of Dragonreach from an eternal winter!

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